According to the current project focus and size, I am able to draw on a dense network of consultants. Working together closely with different experts with their specific style and emphasis is very enriching to me.
I cooperate on a regular basis with the following consultancies:
Metaberatung GmbH
Since 2006 I work closely together with Dr. Rainer Neubauer and his staff of Metaberatung on diverse projects of Leadership assessments and follow-up actions.
As a member of his team, I am particularly involved in global measures, run by him and his affiliates.
RHR International, LLP
Since more than 60 years, RHR International supports worldwide companies at top management level with focus on Hi-Po Selection and Development, Teambuilding, Succession Planning, Coaching and CEO/Board-Alignment. It is particularly known for its work in Management Due Diligence and Executive Integration.
Hogan Assessment Systems, Inc.
The Hogan Assessment Systemsä is the market leader in the prediction of management and leadership potential. It also identifies via online-testing personality-based performance risks and core values and preferences.